生基 Sheng Ji

生基 Sheng Ji

生基 Sheng Ji

生基风水是中国千百年来道家的方术之一!同时也是我们老祖宗智慧的结晶!它是一门古老的科学!但是;他们只知其然!却不知其所以然,没有人知道究竟 是什么原理?直到21世纪科技发展基因解码之後才发现,原来毛发、指甲里的DNA可复制功能与地气相应,并反射到当事人的身上,使得当事人直接吸收到「龙 穴」的磁场效力!我们祖先埋在地中的骨骸(骨头)指甲,毛发等;都含有矿物质元素,与地气结合後产生共振,而共振有它特定的放射性波长;这波长必须 是有血缘关系的人,才能接收得到!
假如;有人知道那儿有龙脉经过,为了补强自己气磁场的不足,就会选在那里做(生基),把自己的头发、指甲、衣物或生辰八字等; 一并纳入罐内,埋入灵山秀水的宝穴里,取代自己来吸取天地间的能量,并与自己产生共振,进而提升自己无形的能量与磁场,吸引美好的人事物在同一时空之下一 并出现!彰显心中所愿得以实现,基本上这种作法在命理上称之为「做生基」,和把先人的骨骸葬在吉穴里以庇荫後世的做风水有异曲同工之妙!

  •  延益壽:可延年益壽,讓身體更安泰,心境更豁達。
  •  強精魄:強化體魄精神,提升正面能量。
  •  改天命:扶助先天八字不足,改善後天運程的不順。
  •  催官貴:提升官運與貴人緣。
  •  添丁財:提升子息運及事業財運。
  •  增善緣:改善人緣及姻緣。
  •  積阴德:多行善積德可倍增福氣。
  •  保命:遇意外事故可保命。
  •  求婚:求得美满良缘

2) 大凡“大运一过就衰运连连、造化差、事业不振者”,造生基是最佳选择,有扭转乾坤的效果。
3) 毛发、指甲里的DNA的可复制功能与地气相应,感应到当事人的身上,使得当事人直接吸收到大地磁场的效力、宇宙的自然能量等,因而精、气、神畅旺,身体元气大增,身体功能健康旺盛,事业也跟著发达。

1) 使用种蛊的方式 : 使用当事人的手与脚的指甲、头发、衣物等类摆放在蛊内,选定吉日吉时埋葬在指定的生基。
2) 做生死宅的方式 : 这是古人最常用的方式。则在家里后院祠堂内摆放自己的棺木,在棺木内摆放自己当天上寿所穿过的寿衣、寿鞋,每个初一则必须把棺木清理一次。
3) 立墓碑的方式 : 这是一般人都可以做的生基风水,由于古人了解到,既然生前已经拥有了福地,倘若不制造风水,则等于浪费资源。则只要选择适合的墓碑款式设计,选定吉日建造墓碑,则能享受到生基所带来的好处。



Why Sheng Ji

From Fengshui perspective, Sheng Ji is the foundation of your destiny. No one is born with a perfect ‘Bazi’ (self-profiling of Fengshui astrology governed by a set of elemental energies unique to each person) and to remedy such imperfection, an adjustment at the later stage of your life is required. A Fengshui inspired Sheng Ji plays a key role in strengthening the footing of your destiny by harnessing the good ‘qi’ from the universe. In other words, a thoughtfully established Sheng Ji helps correct the weaknesses of your Bazi through the workaround of nature.

Futhermore, the Fengshui of Sheng Ji requires a very specific orientation. This is due to a complex workaround between a human habitat and a graveyard. Sheng Ji is a Fengshui method specifically adopted to enhance one’s luck and course of destiny. From Fengshui perspective, Sheng Ji delivers the desired results in a fastest manner.

Astrologically, everyone’s Bazi poses some sort of weaknesses at varied levels with different challenges. Some people are rich, but live with a poor health. Some are extremely talented, but just fall short of landing the right career. Some may appear to be healthy. But never live long enough to justify it and vice versa. Undoubtedly, there are ups and downs in life. The challenges may lurk in one’s health, marriage, children, career, mental health and his or her overall luck. A proper Sheng Ji establishment helps improve the overall luck profile by tapping on the positive energies found in the universe.

Benefits of Sheng Ji
1. To promote longevity: A good health, including spiritual health, results in longevity.
2. To trigger energy: A strong body with a healthy mental stamina to motivate positive energies.
3. To change the course of your destiny: A remedy for the imperfect Bazi through Fengshui orientation in the later stage.
4. To spur career promotion: A luck for career and guidance from a godsend.
5. To wish for a newborn and wealth; The arrival of a newborn and improvement on career and wealth.
6. To improve human luck: On matters relating to favorable circumstances, including marriage.
7. To earn merits through charity: The virtue good deeds makes you a noble person.
8. Life assurance : Attain blessing avoiding mishap.
9. Happy Marriage: Spurring good relationship for the other half.

NV SEED Garden by Nirvana nestles in a naturally endowed environment distinguished by a dragon-turtle topography. It faces east to haul in the auspicious ‘chi’ from the sunrise direction. The expansive vista opening, which is protected by the green-dragon and white-tiger guardians on both sides, provides a perfect enclabe for the good chi to blossom, making it an ideal Fengshui oriented Sheng Ji spot. Tap on the positive energies of this marvelous setup through a Sheng Ji installation to enhance your luck profile while seeking endless vigour to your life pursuits.

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